Self-love starts your love search Valentine’s Day month

What attracts you to another? Do you value a certain personality type? Is it appearance? Are you captivated by a certain style? Dil Milay’s online dating app offers South Asian online daters a place to find friends and future mates. Now, what will you offer to someone who is searching for you?

Self-love, is hardly selfish. When you care for yourself, it helps you project and present yourself well. When you feel strong and solid about yourself, it can put others at ease with you. So, maybe you can put it to work for you every day of the year for you, not just in time for one special day.

Why not begin by showing some love to yourself? If you care for yourself, you show you care for others and appreciate the effort other online daters make.

Here are some ideas that make you feel good and ultimately improve how you present yourself to others:

Wake up to words of positive affirmations. A popular phrase these days is “I am enough”. You can add whatever works for you: I believe in who I am. I am beautiful. Phrases of affirmation positively shift your mindset and steer you towards more confidence and reduces challenges.

Move your body. Love your body and all it can do to get you around and ooze your personal vitality. No matter what you do to get in motion, you’ll feel better when you’re done!

Take your own fabulous self out on a date. Why not try that new place you heard about? A movie or how about something totally new…like a dance lesson, a cooking class, an art gallery tour or the ultimate spa day?

Spoil yourself with something special bought just for you by you! There’s no reason why you have to wait for flowers, chocolates or even something new for your wardrobe to come from someone else. Enjoy what it feels like to be the one giving the special treatment as well as receiving it.

Loving yourself shows up as confidence even in online dating. Check out the post on flirting on tips on how to express yourself and make others feel good while you are at it... 

Sure, we all do aim for a special day like Valentine’s Day to express and to receive love. It’s fun to plan expressions of love in the form of tokens of appreciation, dates, gifts, flowers, novelty telegrams and more as you flirt and connect. Dil Milay’s online app, provides those options for fun, even in early conversations with potential dates and maybe future mates.

Join and see for yourself.

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